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Android Application Development Video Tuts (4/4) - 2010kaiser
Video > Other
457.87 MB

Android Application Developmen Video Tuts (4/4) 2010kaiser

Jul 28, 2012

This torrent contains Android Application Development video tutorials (151 - 200 of 200).

Part 4 of 4.
The contents of the tutorial are listed below:

 151 - JSONArrays and JSONObjects
    152 - Appending with StringBuilder
    153 - Reading JSON information
    154 - Setting up XML Parsing Project
    155 - StringBuilder and XML Parsing Framework
    156 - Setting up a parsed XML data collection class
    157 - SAXParserFactory and XMLReader
    158 - Start Element method
    159 - Finishing XML parser
    160 - Creating a Widget receiver
    161 - Setting up Widget Configuration Activity
    162 - Basic Widget Design
    163 - Updating and Deleting Widget
    164 - Updating a Widget TextView
    165 - Setting up Widget Configuration Class
    166 - Relating Context with the Widget Manager
    167 - PendingIntent and widget Buttons
    168 - Introduction to OpenGL ES
    169 - OpenGL Renderer Basics
    170 - Rendering A Background
    171 - OpenGl 2D vertices
    172 - Byte and Float Buffers
    173 - ShortBuffer to handle Indices
    174 - Creating Draw method for OpenGL
    175 - glDrawElements method
    176 - OpenGL Boosting Performance
    177 - On Surface Changed
    178 - Using GLU to set up the Camera
    179 - 3D Cube Intro
    180 - Indices of a Cube
    181 - OpenGL Culling
    182 - 3D Rotation
    183 - OpenGL Vertex Color Buffer
    184 - Stock Android SDK Themes
    185 - Voice Recognition
    186 - Voice Recognition Result
    187 - Text to Speech
    188 - Set Language and Speak
    189 - Notifiying Status Bar
    190 - Setting up a Notification
    191 - Notification Manager Methods
    192 - AudioManager Methods
    193 - Changing the Volume with a SeekBar
    194 - Downloading Admob SDK
    195 - Adding External Jar
    196 - Adding Admob Ad via XML
    197 - Adding Ad Unit Id and Ad Size
    198 - Adding Admob Ads via Java
    199 - Putting an App on the Market
    200 - Updating Application

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